Use your smartphone to check your remote control batteries - Informative Tech Video


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Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Use your smartphone to check your remote control batteries

Most standard remote controls send signals to your home theater gear using a beam of infrared light, which a sensor on your hardware picks up. You can't see this beam, but your smartphone's camera can! So, if your remote isn't working right, you can use your phone to check if your remote needs fresh batteries.

Open camera app and point the remote at the camera and press any button on the remote.

If the remote working properly, you should see a flicker of light come from the IR Blaster as viewed throug your phone's screen.

if you don't see the flicker from the IR Blaster or just a very dim flicker, you probably needs to change the remote batteries. if you tried with new battery but stil remains same then you need to replace your remote.

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